Prefetching Data
Top-Level Page Data
Hay muchas formas de precargar los datos para SWR. Para las solicitudes de nivel superior, rel="preload"
(opens in a new tab) es muy recomendable:
<link rel="preload" href="/api/data" as="fetch" crossorigin="anonymous">
Sólo tienes que ponerlo dentro de tu HTML <head>
. Es fácil, rápido y nativo.
Se precargarán los datos cuando se cargue el HTML, incluso antes de que el JavaScript comience a descargarse. Todas las solicitudes de fetch entrantes con la misma URL reutilizarán el resultado (incluyendSWR, por supuesto).
Programmatically Prefetch
SWR provides the preload
API to prefetch the resources programmatically and store the results in the cache. preload
accepts key
and fetcher
as the arguments.
You can call preload
even outside of React.
import { useState } from 'react'
import useSWR, { preload } from 'swr'
const fetcher = (url) => fetch(url).then((res) => res.json())
// Preload the resource before rendering the User component below,
// this prevents potential waterfalls in your application.
// You can also start preloading when hovering the button or link, too.
preload('/api/user', fetcher)
function User() {
const { data } = useSWR('/api/user', fetcher)
export default function App() {
const [show, setShow] = useState(false)
return (
<button onClick={() => setShow(true)}>Show User</button>
{show ? <User /> : null}
Within React rendering tree, preload
is also available to use in event handlers or effects.
function App({ userId }) {
const [show, setShow] = useState(false)
// preload in effects
useEffect(() => {
preload('/api/user?id=' + userId, fetcher)
}, [userId])
return (
onClick={() => setShow(true)}
{/* preload in event callbacks */}
onHover={() => preload('/api/user?id=' + userId, fetcher)}
Show User
{show ? <User /> : null}
Junto con técnicas como page prefetching (opens in a new tab) en Next.js, podrás cargar tanto la siguiente página como los datos al instante.
In Suspense mode, you should utilize preload
to avoid waterfall problems.
import useSWR, { preload } from 'swr'
// should call before rendering
preload('/api/user', fetcher);
preload('/api/movies', fetcher);
const Page = () => {
// The below useSWR hooks will suspend the rendering, but the requests to `/api/user` and `/api/movies` have started by `preload` already,
// so the waterfall problem doesn't happen.
const { data: user } = useSWR('/api/user', fetcher, { suspense: true });
const { data: movies } = useSWR('/api/movies', fetcher, { suspense: true });
return (
<User user={user} />
<Movies movies={movies} />
Pre-fill Data
If you want to pre-fill existing data into the SWR cache, you can use the fallbackData
option. For example:
useSWR('/api/data', fetcher, { fallbackData: prefetchedData })
If SWR hasn't fetched the data yet, this hook will return prefetchedData
as a fallback.
You can also configure this for all SWR hooks and multiple keys with <SWRConfig>
and the fallback
option. Check Next.js SSG and SSR for more details.